P.H Winterton has been providing the best horse bedding on the market for 60 years plus now, and we have talked to hundreds of riders during this time. Throughout these six decades, we have learned a few things about horse riding and the proper etiquette for riding in competitions. The truth is that very few riders have a perfect position and you will see a variety of riding techniques every time you attend a show. Often a fault can become a habit which makes it harder to correct as time goes by. It is a worthwhile exercise spending a bit more time focusing on what is going wrong until the right way becomes your new normal. Four Rider Issues with an Easy Fix Here are four common issues riders struggle with and how you can fix them. 1. Don’t Look Down – While concentrating on what you are doing in the saddle it can be hard to remember to look ahead. Your head is roughly 10% of your body weight and looking down puts more weight on your horse’s forehand that makes it more difficult for them to maintain balance. One way to rectify this issue is tying a coloured bow or a red ribbon in your horse’s mane and every time you see the ribbon it means you are looking down; which reminds you to look ahead. 2. Sit Up – Tipping forward is sometimes caused by nerves, a poorly fitted saddle or a lack of core stability. You can improve your core by doing Pilates and yoga plus lunge lessons, short bursts of sitting trot and working without stirrups also helps. To adopt a more upright position, lift up through your ribcage and bring your shoulder blades closer together. A common trait of nervous riders is that they tip forward, which makes you less secure. If you suspect your saddle is tipping you forward, you need to get it checked by a professional fitter. 3. Bend Your Elbows – Straight arms result in an inconsistent contact with the horse’s mouth and in too much movement in the rider’s hands. We recommend aiming to create an L-shape with your arms so the upper one hangs vertically by your...
Read Moreabout How to Perfect your Riding PositionSome horses can find being stabled quite difficult, having evolved from travelling up to 100 miles a day and grazing on the go. Here at P.H Winterton, we understand the importance of keeping your horse happy, which is why we provide only the finest equine bedding on the market. For our latest post, we are going to share seven essential tips to help maintain your horse’s health and prepare them for your next big competition. Essential Horse Care from P.H Winterton Standing still for long periods goes against their natural instincts to keep moving so be wary that some horses can react to being confined for long periods. Follow our 7 step guide below to maintain your horse’s happiness. Exercise – As long as your horse has no physical problems, they will need as much exercise as possible. Try to plan ahead and schedule rides out regularly. Other Turnout Options – Consider if they can be turned out in the yard area with some equine bedding and a companion (if possible). Create a Turnout Area – Create a fenced area outside of your horse’s stable, giving them the option to wander in and out at their leisure which helps them feel less restricted. Long Walks – Lead your horse out in-hand but prepare for them to be bouncy. We would recommend wearing a hard hat, sturdy footwear and gloves. Ideally, attach a lunge-line to their headcollar and inform someone where you were going. You could even consider making it a social trip and ask another horse owner to come along too. Change of Environment – If you have a spare loose-box in the yard you could consider putting your horse in there for part of the day for a change of scenery. Meet their Social Needs – If your horse is stabled for long periods of time, they need to be housed next to a friendly horse. Ideally, they should be able to touch and mutually groom each other. If you can’t stable your horse nearby to a friend, consider taking them over for a visit. Entertain your Horse – Horses love to play so having a bit of playtime with toys helps to break up the day. Towels...
Read Moreabout 7 Ways to Keep a Stabled Horse Happy