Posts Tagged "horse bedding"

7 Ways to Keep a Stabled Horse Happy

7 Ways to Keep a Stabled Horse Happy

By on Feb 1, 2020 in Blog, Equine Bedding |

Some horses can find being stabled quite difficult, having evolved from travelling up to 100 miles a day and grazing on the go. Here at P.H Winterton, we understand the importance of keeping your horse happy, which is why we provide only the finest equine bedding on the market. For our latest post, we are going to share seven essential tips to help maintain your horse’s health and prepare them for your next big competition. Essential Horse Care from P.H Winterton Standing still for long periods goes against their natural instincts to keep moving so be wary that some horses can react to being confined for long periods. Follow our 7 step guide below to maintain your horse’s happiness. Exercise – As long as your horse has no physical problems, they will need as much exercise as possible. Try to plan ahead and schedule rides out regularly. Other Turnout Options – Consider if they can be turned out in the yard area with some equine bedding and a companion (if possible). Create a Turnout Area – Create a fenced area outside of your horse’s stable, giving them the option to wander in and out at their leisure which helps them feel less restricted. Long Walks – Lead your horse out in-hand but prepare for them to be bouncy. We would recommend wearing a hard hat, sturdy footwear and gloves. Ideally, attach a lunge-line to their headcollar and inform someone where you were going. You could even consider making it a social trip and ask another horse owner to come along too. Change of Environment – If you have a spare loose-box in the yard you could consider putting your horse in there for part of the day for a change of scenery. Meet their Social Needs – If your horse is stabled for long periods of time, they need to be housed next to a friendly horse. Ideally, they should be able to touch and mutually groom each other. If you can’t stable your horse nearby to a friend, consider taking them over for a visit. Entertain your Horse – Horses love to play so having a bit of playtime with toys helps to break up the day. Towels...

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How High Quality Horse Bedding Deals with Allergies

How High Quality Horse Bedding Deals with Allergies

By on Aug 2, 2019 in Blog, Horse bedding in Derbyshire |

Using the highest quality of horse bedding will help combat any allergies your horses may encounter. P.H Winterton and Son are experts in equine bedding with products that balance affordability with a great service. In our latest blog, we are going to look at the most common forms of equine allergies and how to identify them in your horse. Identifying Equine Allergies It doesn’t matter if your horse is a foal, adult or senior, equine allergies affect horses of any age primarily affecting the skin or their respiratory system. Allergic reactions can be triggered by any of the following – • Dust, mould and pollen • Insect bites • Rarely feed substances • Products or chemicals applied or touched by your horse • Vaccinations, drugs and plasma or transfusions Some of the familiar signs of an allergic reaction include: • Hair loss • Regional or body-wide hives • Laboured breathing such as coughing or an intolerance to exercise • Swelling, redness, crusting and/or itching at the contact site – for dermatitis, this will manifest as a sweet itch from the insect bites Treating and Preventing Equine Allergies There are three key areas to assess when treating equine allergies, firstly apply a fly mask sheet to prevent insect bites and the risk of further disturbance to your horse. You could also consider medicated shampoo to help get rid of any insects and treat bites and lastly the most important thing to do is invest in high-quality equine bedding. Our Cheshire Choice Horse Bedding is made from 100% softwood shavings which offer comfortable bedding with excellent absorbency levels. This keeps your stables drier for longer and because of its long-lasting quality is a great long term money saver. Get in Touch to Discuss Horse Bedding Today Here at P.H Winterton and Son we only stock the finest horse bedding in Derbyshire, Staffordshire and Nottinghamshire. If you’d like to know more about any of our products, please get in touch...

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